The essence of true leadership

What does a leader mean? What qualities define a leader? Do leaders always arise owing to difficult situations? Are they born or made? Sometimes situation demands a leader`s arrival. But `The Leader` must be a continuous reader, a dedicated learner and a critical thinker.
Great leaders often have leadership styles that fit into few categories, and they interchange these leadership styles when it makes the most sense. The basic categories of leadership are autocratic, participative and free-rein. Autocratic leaders are often very commanding in style. Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on their own ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from followers. `Do as I say because I am the boss` is the common attitude amongst leaders using this particular style. Participative leaders believe in equality between leaders and followers soliciting input from followers. This leader often asks followers “What you think?” making some major decisions by a majority-rule vote. Free- rein leaders are unengaged in leadership. This style of leadership caters for minimal control by the leader or manager and maximum flexibility for the team members. The team leader often takes a back seat role and functions to coordinate and direct the actions of the team rather than dictate it. The free reign style can be good or bad, depending on whether the followers are high performers or not.
Whether one type of leadership is better is not of importance. Different situations require different types of leadership. Leadership is much more than the management of people. It is the ability to lead a group of followers effectively, make them and their purpose successful, and still maintain valid principles and ideas. Leaders must have followers to be successful, and they must know how to treat the followers to ensure their success. Leaders should have values that are consistent with high moral and ethical standards, and they should know how to motivate others effectively. The greatest leaders in history, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Hitler, had the ability to motivate their followers and elicit change, and change is a vital element of a great leader, they have to know how to create successful change and motivate others to change, too. Great leaders are not all positive, as someone like Hitler clearly indicates, and that can be the negative aspect of leadership and the power of leadership.
Positions of leadership
People respond to a task when they know they will be treated fairly, their input will be respected, and they can trust in the integrity of the person responsible for the success of a pursuit. Thus, everybody believe good leadership is derived from being a careful listener and communicator who understands the needs of others and the goals of an endeavor. To me, leaders are not complacent by the way the world shapes them, but are motivated by the way they can shape the world. A leader is directed by what is achievable, not by what is preventing his or her success. When leaders see past hurdles or difficulties, they inspire hope and commitment, which is essential for any pursuit. Furthermore, Leadership is not characterized by rushing to the forefront and being a directing charge, but rather acting as a rudder in the rear maintaining a course with a clear view of what is ahead.
Follow And Lead
The essence of true leadership is the ability to follow as well as to lead. Well defined values, clear vision, a sense of purpose, sufficient resources, and a good strategy or a policy are some of the main components of true leadership. A true leader must be self-confident, well informed, and persuasive in the community or in business and in relationships. A true leader must endure hatred and rejection and turn failure into success. A true leader must stay competitive and innovative if he or she is to create the future. A true leader must also have a keen sense of humor, self-knowledge, outstanding manners, and a few trustworthy friends. Above all, he/she must know how to balance power and gather shrewd teammates.
leadership is more than power or influence over subordinates, it's more about team building, confidence building among the team members, encouraging continuous learning, and inspire the team members to bring out their real potential. Every leader is challenged to respect the power they have been given, to be morally and ethically responsible, and to ensure that the decisions of today will provide a promising tomorrow for all humanity.

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