Water Vision

Water, one of the most valuable free gift of nature and part and parcel of life saving gas oxygen, is the life and blood of all creatures of earth without which none can survive. Water, as referred in Vedas and other socio-economic documents, consists of ecological, biological, geological, social, physical, religious, political and cultural values. Today, water scarcity has emerged as global problem consequently, more informed approach is being recognised and articulated all over the globe.India has been facing acute water crises despite its adequacy with growing needs on account of rapid population growth, economic development, pollution and climatic changes. She has been the victim of recurring floods and droughts in maximum part of its geographical areas.
• As per surveys efficiency in water use was mere 40 per cent in India, while it was around 60 per cent in many other countries. so, now inter-linking of rivers is the only major solution.

Thus, for the permanent solution of severe and recurring droughts and floods and scarcity of drinking water the connectivity of Indian rivers has been suggested as quite essential. Keeping in view the various issues like environmental, social, economic, political and inter-state conflicts, International conflicts of rivers water sharing etc., the interlinking of rivers in India is the only solution.The idea behind river interlinking is based on the fact that an enormous amount of water from rivers flows into the sea. It is envisaged that if this is prevented and water is transferred from water surplus rivers deficit, there will be adequate supply of water for everyone in every part of the country. Former President A P J Abdul Kalam opined the same that there was a greater need for inter-linking of rivers in the country to tackle the water crisis. Rivers like Cauvery, Krishna, Tungabhadra and others needed to be inter-linked to solve the severe problem of water crisis. If we can, regional imbalances could be reduced significantly and lot of benefits by way of additional irrigation, domestic and industrial water supply, hydropower generation, navigational facilities etc. would accrue.

The concept of river interlinking is not new because, during the tenure of Mughal the Yamuna and Agra Canal was constructed. Through these canals the water from Himalaya is made available to Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. India plans to develop its water resources by interlinking its Himalayan rivers with those in the peninsular region through 30 interlinking canal systems. Already, the project has raised controversy and debate. Interlinking rivers is now a matter of South Asian proportions. It had to be. After all, India's rivers pass through neighbouring countries as well.

Inter Basin Water Transfers in Some Countries: Many large-scale water transfer schemes have been planned and implemented in other countries also. In Canada, sixteen inter basin water transfer schemes have been implemented for hydropower development.

In United States, the California's State Water Project, first phase of which was completed in 1973, provides for the diversion of 4 cubic km of flow from better-watered northern California to the drier central and southern parts of the State. The conveyance system comprises of 715 km long California Aqueduct, a complex system of lined and unlined canals, pumping stations, siphons and tunnels. The lift involved is nearly 1,000 m.

The Texas Water Plan envisages redistribution of water in Texas and New Mexico to meet the needs of the year 2020.

Similarly, the waters of the Colorado river (an international river between USA and Mexico) are being supplied outside the basin to the Imperial valley in California.

Major existing and under construction inter basin transfers in Canada include Kemano, Churchill Diversion, Well and Canal, James Bay, Churchill Falls, Bay d' Espoir etc. Proposed inter basin transfers in Canada include Ogoki, Long Lake (for transfer within Canada) and North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA), Grand Canal Concept, Canadian Water, Magnum Plan, Central North American Water Project (CeNAWP), Smith Plan etc. for transfer from Canada to USA.

In Mexico, for the Mexico city water supply, transfer of ground waters from the Lerma basin was completed in 1958. The Water Plan for the North Western Region (PLHINO) conceived a set of inter basin transfers within the Noroeste region.

Mahaveli-Ganga Project of Srilanka includes several inter basin transfer links.

Inter basin transfer projects have also been planned and implemented in China and former USSR. A notable scheme executed in the USSR is Irtysh Karganda scheme in the central Kazakhistan. The link canal is about 450 km long with a maximum capacity of 75 cumec. Lift involved is 14 to 22 m. There is another plan to transfer 90,000 Mcum of water from the north flowing river to the area in south. Other proposals include partial redistribution of water resources of northern rivers and lakes of European part to the Caspian Sea basin involving 2 M. Ha. m of water.

The Lingua Canal was completed in China in 214 BC and the Grand Canal was completed in 605 AD.  Recently completed projects in China include Biliuha - Dalian inter basin water supply system, Trans basin transfer of Luhana River to Tiajian and Tengshan, Inter basin diversion of Guanglong province and Inter basin diversions of Fujian province. Diversion of Quiantang river water, diversion of Yellow river surpluses and South to North transfer projects with the West route, Middle route and East route are other proposed projects.

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